All persons are made in the image of God and possess intrinsic worth. |
All persons have a need to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. |
All persons can be saved and begin a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. |
All persons have unique gifts to contribute to the kingdom. |
The Christian community is the foundation for the growth of the Kingdom of God on earth. |
The Christian community is the primary context for developing believers. |
The Christian community is to minister in Jesus’ name to all people. |
The Christian community is to worship and serve God. |
Teamwork demonstrates the diversity of spiritual gifts and personal competencies within the church. |
Teamwork recognizes our dependence on God and each other. |
Teamwork maximizes the leadership resources of the church. |
Teamwork builds Christian community. |
Free Methodists share a common theology, membership covenant, and leadership system. |
Free Methodists co-operate with other parts of the Christian church and local community in redemptive endeavors and political response. |
Free Methodists build healthy inter- congregational cooperation, celebration and support. |
Free Methodists affirm diverse approaches to accomplish our common vision and mission. |
Integrity is grounded in the character of God. |
Integrity establishes a framework for all relationships. |
Integrity guides all strategies, actions and programs. |
Integrity ensures the appropriate use of time, money, and energy. |
Learning leads to excellence. |
Learning leads to creativity. |
Learning leads to faithfulness to biblical essentials. |
Learning increases skill. |
Discipleship & Growth
The Scriptures call for every church to grow. |
The Scriptures call for the evangelization of the unreached. |
The Scriptures call for every Christian to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ. |
The Scriptures call for every Christian to participate in the growth of the church. |
God is generous to all. Becoming more like Him, we extend God’s love through generosity to others. |
Generosity is grace-enabled as we trust God in all circumstances. |
Generosity is a source of joy and blessing as we join God in His ministry. |
Generosity glorifies God. |
Creation is precious and we are called to be stewards of it. |
The rich resources of creation are to be used in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. |